Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 2

ok so day 2 didnt go so hot on the working out part.. not that i didnt want to or was lazy, I was just SO SORE! :( 

SO, instead I focused on my eating healthy..which it going so-so. I havent cheated but I feel like im eating for a bird.. in quantity and ingredients haha! Oh well, at least im proud of whats going in now..

on Day 1 I went out to eat and had a grilled chicken sandwich. I could have done without the bun, but baby steps.. and im VERY proud at my first time eating out, where I usually indulge!

Day3 will include more ABS (im alternating days) and im going to do 20-25 min of legs to make up for today!
..alarm clock SET!
xoxo JmeLeigh

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 1

WOW it took a lot for me to roll out of bed @ 7:30.. especially since im usually up till 3 or 4 am ((that needs to cut back a LOT!)) But... I DID IT! I got down on the floor, did some light stretching (a HUGE mistake.. will be adding more) did some jumping jacks and push-ups and jogging in place to get my heart rate up there and got right to work on my target area, ABS! It felt great. Im really proud of myself for starting when I said I would. Harlan slept through almost the full workout, I did have to put Monster's INC on to keep him occupied before breakfast! 

I did have one of my bars after the workout. I know I should take the energy ones before I begin but I cant workout with food on my stomach.. I feel so icky :/ I worked at a gym for a minute so maybe ill whip up a shake or something to give me fuel. But for now water and my B-12 gummies did the trick.

Short 45 min workout today. Im happy with it. :) 

xox JmeLeigh

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ive Earned My Stripes!

Although I'm not 100% comfortable posting my "before"s yet.. I will give you a look at what I looked like October 2010 the day I gave birth to my son & this AWESOME pinterest photo I stumbled upon that made me feel great!

This was me exactly 39 weeks with my son Harlan Lukas.
Obviously (if you know what I look like today) I dropped like 90% of this. We can thank breastfeeding for that! But I do still need to work on getting my tummy as flat as Id like it and tone up the rest of my body (thighs, butt, arms, waist...) If Ive made it this far, I know I can get where I want to be!

And this little gem I found made all this even better. Ive been SO worried about losing the weight but still having my tummy monster marks.. WHO CARES?! I carried a beautiful little boy full term, healthy on both our ends. I am damn proud and with a little TLC and cocoa butter Ill get these faded fast and whatever is left behind.. DEAL WITH IT! :) 

xoxo JmeLeigh

The Calm Before the Storm

Well today I gathered ideas for at home workouts (I want to try & do this all from home) & I went shopping for healthier options. I grabbed some Kashi bars for energy & meal replacements for those days when im on the go but want to keep my metabolism running! Of course Harlan got to put some cupcake goldfish grams in the cart... lucky kid. I also am SLOWLY weening myself off pop.. that one will be tougher. I know I should be drinking more water, and now that im jumping on the fitness bandwagon I will inevitably do so, but for now Ive grabbed sweet tea by Snapple. I fell in love with the stuff when I was pregnant and cant seem to let go of it either... I should read the label and see if I can keep it in my diet. As far as actual "dieting:" goes.. Im going to cut out fast food all together (trust me.. this is huge for me) and try to cook more meals. Im moving soon into a place with a more user friendly kitchen and im excited to get back in to make yummy dinners that wont stick to my hips! 

Tomorrow is day 1! That 7:30 am alarm clock is going to be my worst enemy, but im going to pop 2 B-12 gummies and start my routine. I need to stop talking about it and take action! I have been mildly OBSESSED with pinterest and I found just some GREAT motivational images and quotes.. as well as most of my routine! Ill be sharing as the time rolls along.

"Before" pictures have been snapped // this girl is ready to kick her own ass! :) & hopefully by the end of these 12 weeks itll be an ass I will happily show off ;)

xoxo JmeLeigh

My Mission

Ok, I'm starting this blog in hopes that it will keep me on track as I undergo some "minor" adjustments to myself.
Key Points:
1. Get my booty in shape!
2. Start caring about what goes into my body.
3. Be the best mommy I can be. (i work at that everyday and will never stop :) )
4. Work on getting healthier skin hair & nails
5. Try to get my temper under control when things are out of my control.
6. Empathize with others, especially when they feel the need to bring negativity my way.
7. Sing more. My best instrument has been neglected since highschool.
8. Work towards a better education.
9. Find a proper, adult, 9-5 job.

WHEW! Thats a lot. But day by day, little by little, I hope to tackle these points and hopefully get them rolling! The first 2 Id like to see results within 3 months. But all are things that I really can do for the rest of my life!

Ok, wish me luck. :)

xox JmeLeigh